
IES San Telmo

Title How does my sporrow eat?
Topic Ethology


Is there a measurable behaviour when sparrows eat?


-Bread crumbs
-Measuring tape
-Video camera
-Quantification tables
-Explanatory poster


This experience starts in order to divulge Ethology, one of the branches of Biology. To do it we have studied an animal linked to our daily life, the sparrow (Passer domesticus). The study consisted of placing a man-made trough in a particular place to analise the interactions.


This experience took place at a square at San Telmo neighbourhood. A man-made trough with bread crumbs was placed there for several weeks and it was recorded on video. Later the date were analised to get behaviour patterns.

Question 1

What is Ethology?

Question 2

Is there any sparrow interaction before approaching a trough?
Question 3 Are there any diferences between males and females when eating?
  • by-nc.eu_petitReconocimiento – NoComercial (by-nc)
Última modificación: lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016, 17:38