IES San Telmo
    Title A bit of mental exercise is good for your brain
    Topic Use of logical-mathematical strategies to improve calculations and mental agility. Use of topology to solve geometry challenges on a geoboard.


    With these activities we try to formulate the following matters:
    1-What mathematical concepts underlie in each game?
    2-Can I design my own strategy games using my knowledge of maths?
    3-How maths help our knowledge of the environment and to solve planning/strategy problems?


    -Eva foam


    Our aim is to show the students the playful side of maths and solutions encouraging the pleasure of discovering why "tricks" work and the planning behind each activity.


    1-Tricks with the calendar: use of calendars to make tricks guessing numbers.
    2-Use of geoboard to present topology.
    3-Games with numbers: some games will be set out to guess numbers and/or do calculations in a non-traditional way. Later it will be explained how we got it.

    Question 1

    Why do these tricks always work?

    Question 2

    May I extrapolate these strategies to other problems and/or real life situations?
    • by-nc.eu_petitReconocimiento – NoComercial (by-nc)
    Última modificación: lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016, 17:32